sábado, 31 de marzo de 2012

domingo, 18 de marzo de 2012

From Newark, NJ: LINDA JONES

Linda Jones - Hypnotized (1967/Loma)
"I remember when she recorded ‘Hypnotized'. We were in the studio and she said ‘let's run it down'. She was really learning the song but I told the engineer to hit the record button. I got goose bumps on my arm when she sang that song. It was one take, that was it.  She wanted to straighten it out because she had sung the word ‘hyp-mot-ized' rather than ‘hypnotized' but I wanted to keep it just the way it was and boy, did she curse me out." 
(George Kerr)

Hypnotized by Linda Jones on Grooveshark

domingo, 11 de marzo de 2012

Alta cocina de baile: WHOMADEWHO

Los hay que le piden a "Brighter", cuarto disco de los daneses WhoMadeWho y fruto de la relación con el sello alemán Kompakt, más oscuridad, más introspección. Pero lo cierto es que el álbum incluye suficientes indicadores como para entender que lo pretendido era otra cosa: dar un barniz de elegancia y sofisticación a la pista de baile. Esta claro: lo han conseguido.

Running Man by WhoMadeWho on Grooveshark